Integrating transpersonal experiences
Have you ever had an experience that you couldn’t explain?
An extraordinary experience that you were reluctant to tell people for fear of being ridiculed or having it devalued. An experience that seemed illogical but was deeply meaningful to you? Perhaps your experience changed your sense of reality and defied everything you’ve been taught to believe by our education system and modern science.
I help people explore these profound experiences and their meaning. I see these experiences as unique gifts bestowed upon us, and it’s up to us what we do with them. We could ignore, de-value and downplay them, or we could embrace the unique opportunity they offer us for personal growth and development.
Research suggests that embracing these extraordinary experiences and working with them can have profound benefits like expanding our perspectives and consciousness, developing greater self-awareness, and making us less judgemental and more empathic. In other words, its time to stop devaluing your extraordinary and inexplicable experiences and enjoy deep personal growth and transformation.
Have you had a…
Mystical or awakening experience
Kundalini experience
Near-death experience
Out-of-the-body experience
Altered state of consciousness
Paradoxical experience
Expanded consciousness
Synchronistic experiences
Telepathic experiences
Psychic experiences
Paranormal experiences
Sense of being guided
Psychedelic experiences
Lucid dreams
Entity encounter
Profound revelation
Past life memory
You might be wondering…
What just happened?
Am I going crazy?
Am I losing touch with reality?
Did I imagine that?
Am I special?
Why me?
Who else has had this experience?
Am I the only one?
Where can I find out more?
How can I process and grow from this?
How does this fit in with reality?
What does it all mean?
Who can I share it with?
How can I get back there?
How can I connect with like-minded people?
How can I use this knowledge?
How can I make a difference in the world?
How can I serve others?
How can I fulfil my purpose?