Understanding Spiritual Psychology: Mind, Spirit, and Personal Growth


This blog is an introduction to spiritual psychology. The academic term for spiritual psychology is transpersonal psychology. My blog on transpersonal psychology covers a lot more on this subject and is a bit more academic.

So if you're looking for a deeper dive into the transpersonal approach to psychology and what transpersonal psychology means head over to my blog, what is transpersonal psychology and how can it help you.

If you're mildly curious about what spiritual psychology is, this blog will give you a good overview. If you want to know how spiritual psychology can help support your mental health, my blog on how spiritual psychology can help you improve your mental health will probably be more helpful.


Spiritual psychology, also known as transpersonal psychology, explores the human psyche and its relationship with the spiritual dimension. It combines spirituality with psychology to address human suffering and build resilience in everyday life.

The term “spiritual” refers to that which transcends ordinary consciousness. We are complex multidimensional beings with different dimensions. Our primary dimensions are physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual.

Spirituality is very personal, and it means different things to different people. Spiritual psychology is not prescriptive. It is inclusive, dynamic and curious.

Spiritual psychology offers an alternative view of mental health, considering spiritual practices, spiritual experiences, spiritual and religious beliefs, teachings, rituals, and concepts to address human suffering.


Our spiritual and transcendent selves are largely neglected or pathologised by traditional psychology. Transpersonal psychology, on the other hand, is a branch of psychology that studies the spiritual and transcendental aspects of the human experience.

It seeks to understand how the connection between the self and higher consciousness, transcendent and altered states of consciousness can lead to growth and self-development and optimal well-being.

The human experience extends beyond the ego, reaching the transcendental, and imbuing our lives with love, compassion, and meaning. By harnessing these transcendent aspects we can improve our innate well-being levels.

Transpersonal psychology offers a new approach to studying the psyche and what it means to be alive without pathologising very core parts of our beingness and experience in life. Within the American psychological association, transpersonal psychology falls within the discipline of humanistic psychology. While it has its own division within the British Psychological Association.


Spiritual psychology, or transpersonal psychology, takes a broad approach to what it means to exist and be conscious and how we can optimise our existence. Whereas a behavioural psychological approach condenses the individual into behaviour patterns, and neuropsychology reduces the individual to neural connections, spiritual and transpersonal psychologists take a much more holistic approach.

As a transpersonal psychologist, I draw on many different disciplines within psychology, such as neuropsychology, behavioural psychology, psychopharmacology, and wider disciplines, such as religious studies and anthropology, to inform my understanding of what it means to be alive.


Much of what we know about transpersonal psychology being a developmental psychology comes from the integral theories of Ken Wilbur and the transcendent theories of Abraham Maslow. But there is mounting evidence to support these ideas of transpersonal theory.

As a transpersonal coach with a growth mindset, I love the idea of spiritual growth and development. As someone who's had several mystical experiences, I also think it's rather funny. How can we develop into that which we already are?

However, the research suggests that the more spiritual experiences we have, the more we orient ourselves towards our true self—that spiritual element that takes no form or shape and transcends the egoic and individual identity.


Research suggests that a healthy spiritual dimension is vital for mental health and well-being. Our neglect of our spiritual dimensions could well be at the root of today's current world mental health crisis. There are a number of reasons this could be the case.

When we look at monks who spend many hours a day meditating and reflecting on spiritual texts and scriptures their brains look rather different from those who suffer from anxiety and depression. Neuro-imaging studies have shown that monks tend to have an underactive default mode network. In contrast people who are suffering from anxiety and depression tend to have overactive default mode networks.

The default mode network is the network in the brain that is responsible for our inner voice. Practices like meditation and mindfulness keep the default mode network within healthy boundaries for psychological well-being.

When we develop our spiritual dimension, we tend to start looking at life through a different lens, which improves psychological well-being. Some of the developments that take place are:

  • Reduction in negative mental chatter

  • Increases in gratitude, awe and acceptance

  • Decrease in judgments

  • Increase in meta-cognition

  • Improvements in the accuracy of perception

  • Sense of unity, sacredness, connectedness

  • Perspective changes

  • Self-transcendence

By developing these skills and qualities and learning to live in harmony with transcendent truths, individuals can begin to heal their own wounds and those around them. This approach helps individuals understand human suffering from the perspective of eternal principles that guide a healing path of self-discovery. Spiritual development and mental and physical health are interconnected, and spiritual psychology provides emotional and spiritual support to individuals.


Transpersonal Counseling and Coaching Strategies and Techniques

  • Spiritual psychologists are psychologists who bring spirituality into their research or practice.

  • Spiritual psychologists can be psychotherapists, counsellors or coaches.

  • They may work with individuals or groups.

  • They may work with people experiencing anxiety, depression, or other psychological well-being issues like existential angst, loneliness and spiritual emergency.

  • Spiritual psychologists are interested in the spiritual components of a person’s life, including beliefs, values, faiths, and practices.

  • Transpersonal psychologists use psychological principles to help clients explore their spiritual beliefs, connect with their emotions, and improve their physical and mental well-being.

  • Spiritual psychologists help people understand their deeper selves, transcendent selves, and essential beingness.

  • Spiritual psychologists tap into the sub-conscious, conscious and super-conscious to bring about transformation.

  • Spiritual psychologists who practice coaching support their clients on their spiritual path or journey and their spiritual awakening.


Why Spiritual Psychology Matters in Modern Times

Spiritual psychology provides a unique perspective on the mind and how it affects our lives that is quite different from other disciplines. It also integrates mind, body and spirit into a cohesive whole. Spiritual psychology bring together different techniques, tools and concepts from different schools of thought to explore our experiences in a more holistic way.

Spiritual psychology is pivotal for addressing mental disorders in modern times. It offers a comprehensive approach to mental health and well-being and can be applied in various settings, including mental health facilities and coaching programs.


Spiritual psychology is the layman's term for transpersonal psychology. It explores human consciousness as it's really experienced, so it is more holistic than traditional psychology. Spirituality is closely linked to psychological well-being, and this discipline helps us understand our spiritual dimension. Spiritual psychologists or transpersonal psychologists can help people develop their spiritual dimension through practices like transpersonal psychotherapy and transpersonal coaching.

Thanks for reading, and as always, keep striving for growth and well-being, and never settle for less!

How I Can Help

I hope you found this blog post helpful and inspiring. You can learn more about transpersonal psychology in my deeper dive into transpersonal psychology and how it can help you.

Read my blog on how spiritual psychology can help your mental health to learn about spirituality and psychological well-being.

As a transpersonal psychologist, I’m an expert at applying spiritual psychology to well-being. If you have any questions or need further guidance, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Here’s to your growth and success!


Finding Inner Peace And Serenity In Daily Life


What Is Transpersonal Psychology? And How Can It Help You?