Kirsti Formoso

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Endless Searching: What You Are Seeking Is Inside Of You

Suppose we are all searching for something.  Perhaps we could call it happiness but maybe that doesn’t quite feel right.  Yet we know we are searching for something, each one of us.  The latest computer game or mobile phone, or perhaps an exquisite antique picture or piece of furniture, a new handbag or a faster car, or maybe it’s the quiet life, the good life, a new partner or the perfect job, an exotic holiday or a bigger house. 

What are you searching for?

Whatever it is, it is not an ordinary thing but something with a certain quality about it.  Why is it that we seek out something that is extra-ordinary, more perfect, more whole, more exquisite?  Is it because we believe it will make us more whole, more complete, content, happy, fulfilled and joyful? 

To connect to the very best, the ultimate, the divine validates something in us.  And for a moment when we get our hands on what it is we are searching we are happy, content, fulfilled and joyful.  A deep yearning within us has been met.  We may rest and sit back.  Enjoy the feelings that accompany that reward, the glory of achieving or gaining that something exquisite, something unique and special. 

Are you on an endless cycle of searching?

Yet soon the feeling fades and is replaced with a new yearning and a new search.  Again for that something special, something rich, something perfect, something exquisite, something extraordinary, that one thing that reflects something deep within us, that something special that completes us, and completes our identity… for a moment.

Each time our search is met, comes reward but it is superficial, it is transient, the object of desire may soon fall from desire or it may stay in your life to be enjoyed and appreciated yet, nevertheless, a new search begins, the yearning returns.  The yearning for that something special.

Suppose the yearning is not for the object of desire but for the reward that it brings.  The joy, the content, the sense of completion, the sense of being whole, validated, the sense that the object mirrors your being, reflects who you are, it speaks to you, connects you.  Absorbed as a part of you.  Yet the continuous stream of desire and yearning, seeking and finding loops on continually through life, incessantly demanding new things for new feelings. 

Maybe you are searching for more than what you think

The yearning and seeking of that extraordinary, exquisite and divine thing accompanies you through life.  Perhaps it knocks on your door to remind you that it is your extraordinary, exquisite and divine self it is seeking. 

Suppose you found something extraordinary, exquisite and divine within, something so perfect, so pure, so full of love, so content, so extraordinary that you become enraptured in its glory and all seeking and desire falls away, and all that is left is pure joy and love, and the feeling of being whole, of being enough.

Finding our true self brings an end to searching and an end to looking for happiness in external things.  We find what we are looking for within and that becomes our centre of power, our guiding light, our security and our confidence.

No longer tied to searching for things outside of ourselves we are freed of the constant cycles of searching and consuming.  Our time and energy is free to be, to enjoy, and to soak up this beautiful world we live in.

Thanks for reading, and as always, keep striving for growth and well-being, and never settle for less!

How I Can Help

I hope you found this blog inspiring. If you have any questions or need further guidance, please don't hesitate to reach out. Head over to the services section on my website for more information on how we can work together to achieve your goals or contact me using one of the buttons or the widget. I work online and face to face on the Côte d’Azur, in France.

Here’s to your well-being, personal growth and success!