Need a bit of support?

Helping Young Adults get Ahead with

Well-being and Personal Development

We spend the first 20-something years of our lives in education. And we become masters at it. After all, we’ve had 20 years to practice. We leave education feeling like we’ve nailed it. We’re prepared to take on the world. And then the world hits us. And it’s big, and it’s different, and we find out that our education and childhood failed miserably at preparing us for the world we’ve just walked into.

But there’s one thing you’re definitely good at when you leave education, and that’s learning. And that means you can learn anything.

If you’re struggling a bit with life’s challenges and things don’t seem as straightforward as you’d expected, you’re not alone. Most of my clients are in their early to mid-twenties. It’s a massive transition period in life. And that can leave us feeling a little bit lost, stuck and overwhelmed.

We have unprecedented amounts of choice. In the olden days, you did what your parents did; if they were doctors, so were you. Today, the world is our oyster. We can do anything, and we can live anywhere (visa permitting!). But the unending possibilities bring with them their own challenges.

And that’s where I come in. I help young adults get ahead in life. By giving you the support you need to navigate your inner world and the outer world, you will develop the confidence to thrive in this life. I help my clients find clarity, and focus on what’s really important to them so that they can make big strides into the life they want to live.

LEARN          GROW          LOVE           THRIVE

  • “After sessions with Kirsti I always feel inspired and energised to move forward.”

    N.D., Côte d’Azur, France, 4 sessions

  • “I recommend Kirsti to anyone who has had enough of living with their baggage and wants to move on to a lighter version of living!”

    H.S., Côte d’Azur, France, 3 sessions

  • “I am happy to recommend Kirsti as a comprehensive life skills practitioner. She's amazing and I am thankful to her for helping me arrive at a place where deep joy can exist.”

    L.F., Brighton, England, 6 sessions

  • “My session with Kirsti was such a positive experience. I have seen other therapist but the difference with Kirsti is that I feel there are results and that I’m making progress. It’s not an easy process and you have to invest in yourself but well worth it".

    E.C., Monaco, France, 6 sessions

  • “Kirsti is the most patient, positive and emphatic therapist I have worked with.”

    N.D., Côte d’Azur, France, 4 sessions

  • “Meeting Kirsti has been truly transformational for me, it has helped me to look into corners of myself and recognize what I had neglected to see before".

    M.S., Switzerland, 1 session

  • “Just wanted to say again how grateful I am for our coaching session. I feel really clear about my future direction now, and I am so excited and motivated to progress in my career. Since our session, I have resigned from my old position and now have a new job which I absolutely love and glad I pushed myself. Onwards and upwards!”

    R.G., Côte d’Azur, 1 session