Kirsti Formoso

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Finding Inner Peace And Serenity In Daily Life


In recent years, life has become increasingly challenging to process. All the chaos, war, and polarization are destroying our well-being and causing unprecedented levels of mental health problems. Everyday life has become a melting pot of fragmented views, horrifying distractions, and uncertainty. Staying centered and finding your inner peace and serenity in daily life has never been so important.

So, what can you do to help relieve some of that stress and beat peace? Read on to find out.

What does inner peace mean?

Inner peace is being in a peaceful state of mind no matter what is going on in your environment or the larger world. While we all dream of world peace, inner peace is really the only kind of peace we have any control over. Inner peace means having a peaceful mind. It's when there is a space between events and our response. It's like being cushioned from the chaos. Like the eye of the storm, there is a stillness, a still, quiet space that the whirlwind of chaos can not penetrate.

How do we attain inner peace and serenity?

The good news is that inner peace is always there within each one of us. I know you don't believe me right now. But we each hold that space of still, calm beingness within. It is part of our make-up. It is not a choice. It is how we were created. So, it's not something we attain. It's something we tap into.

I hope this gives you peace of mind and confidence, knowing that inner peace is your birthright. One of the first things I do with my clients is show them where to find that inner calm within themselves. I guide them so that they know it is there and they can tap into it whenever needed. But you don't need me to find your inner calm.

The more we practice tapping into inner peace, the more we become familiar with it, and the easier it is to tap in when we need it. In the beginning, it's like we visit it, or rather, we allow it to visit us. It's a state that we tap into and tap out of. But the more we do this, the more the state becomes a trait. We start to live more in a state of inner peace than chaos, confusion, anxiety, and stress. And that's where personal and spiritual development help.

Personal Development and Spiritual Growth

Personal development and spiritual growth help us gain control over how we operate. Committed practice helps us become the master of our apparatus. We all have the same apparatus. But none of us were given the manual. That's why you didn't realize that you already have the inner peace and serenity setting programmed in. It was there all along. You just didn't know how to access it.

It's like Elon Musk says: All Teslas are programmed to do ballet, no joke, cars that can dance! But most Tesla owners don't know that; firstly, their car is programmed to do that and can do that. And secondly, how to get their Tesla to do that.

It's the same for you. You are programmed for inner peace. Maybe you didn't know it, or know how to access it but its there just like the Tesla ballet program.

Personal and spiritual development teaches you how to know your apparatus intimately and master your machine in a way that is conducive to a peaceful life full of serenity. When we engage in personal and spiritual development, we start to remove inner conflict, quieten the mind, drop our baggage, and have fewer triggers. At the same time, we become more confident, less anxious, less stressed, and more in tune with our needs, and we set healthy boundaries. We also take better care of our mental and physical health in general. All this means that we reduce our desperation for inner peace and serenity, can tap into it much quicker, and tap into it regularly because we recognize how positive and nourishing it makes us feel.

If you’re not sure what that feels like, I’d like to help you. It’s one of the things I do in my practice that I really love. Helping people tap into their inner peace is always a powerful moment. You can contact me here to find out more.

If you're really determined and committed to a life of inner peace and serenity and want a kickstart, join my Accelerated Personal Development Program. It’s the most powerful program for getting to know yourself, mastering your apparatus and developing inner peace.

Obviously, this is the way to develop inner peace that's not dependent on outside stimuli but the kicker is that it takes time to develop. So, what can you do right now to feel inner peace?

Finding serenity in daily life

Spend time in nature

The quickest way I know to get yourself from a state of anxious chaos to finding peace is to go into nature. It's a hack. And it’s yours. Get yourself into nature. And just stop. If you can, find a forest of old trees, they're the most powerful. Even just one tree will do. You've heard it before. Tree hugging. Don't laugh, have a go.

I used to live in the city, and there was a park, and those trees in that park saved my life. It was a really shitty time in my life. I was in my twenties and I was suffering from the bereavement of my first love, who died suddenly in a road accident. I was skint, I was in a volatile relationship, I was having panic attacks, and at times I wanted to die.

The trees in that park saved my life. Nature saved me. It never let me down. It was reliable, consistent, non-judgmental, and nurturing. And it had the power to bring me into a state of peace quickly. Spend time in nature as much as you can. It will give you a sense of inner calm.

Switch off and stop doom-scrolling

This is another hack. Get rid of news threads on your phone, remove news channels from your social media, and stop watching news on TV. Trust me, if there is something you need to know about, someone will tell you...sooner or later.

I'm English, and it was about five days before I discovered that Boris Johnson had become the prime minister of England - admittedly, I was at a yoga retreat. But the point is you always find out the important stuff sooner or later. Did it make any difference to my life in those five days that I did not know? No, it didn't.

Most of the stuff in your news thread has absolutely nothing to do with you and no impact on your life. What's more, you can do nothing about any of it. And yet, because you're hearing about it, your survival brain thinks it needs to act, and because there is no action you can take, your system switches into fight, flight, or freeze, and you start to suffer from anxiety and stress.

The news thread keeps coming, and you are suffering from chronic conditions caused by constantly being in fight-flight or freeze mode. It becomes your normal state. Remove all that negative stimulus, and you will find peace. Not only will you find peace, but you will have the clarity to take some kind of action in your life to make things better.

If you want to educate yourself on what is happening in the world, find long-form podcasts that interview experts on the subjects you want to know about. Research suggests that clickbait headings are directly correlated to poor mental health. In other words, they destroy your inner peace.

Do your daily practices

Any practices that promote well-being will help you to find peace. These practices signal to your brain that things are good, and you can move out of the state of fight, flight, or freeze and move more into rest and digest mode. Which, incidentally, must be active for healthy digestion and lovemaking.

I'm talking about yoga (traditional yoga, not gym exercise yoga), tai chi or Qi gong, breathwork, meditation, and mindfulness, which all help you live in the present moment. Fear and anxiety come when our thoughts are oriented to the future.

You can also practice gratitude by using a gratitude journal. When we feel gratitude, we feel peace. Practice acceptance as part of your mindfulness practice. Again, these practices bring you into the present moment and keep you focused on your life, your community, and what you can change.

Have fun

Sports, exercise, dancing, and cold water swimming all help to release tension and increase happiness hormones, so try finding time to do these sorts of activities in your week, too. Try to balance your time between the things that nourish and support you and the things that cause you stress and anxiety.

Sometimes, it's not possible to get that balance right because of real-life restraints, but you should always be looking for that balance. Life should be fun. If you struggle to find a way out of things or feel blocked, working with a coach can really help to move things along.

Ultimately, we should all have some fun in our lives. Living with more stress and anxiety than fun and inner peace is not sustainable in the long run.

Positive psychology tools and exercises

Positive psychology is all about tapping into what makes life worth living. Positive psychology tools and exercises help you work that out. They help you build resilience, satisfaction and confidence which helps improve well-being. Positive psychology is also about developing our brains and making them ripe for peak states and inner peace.

Mental health

When we commit to self-improvement and self-care practices, we improve our mental health. Seeing a coach, therapist, or psychologist can help you work through things in your life that are causing stress and imbalance. The more we engage in personal development, the more we increase our self-esteem, self-compassion, and self-acceptance. Our thoughts become more positive, our relationships more harmonious, and our outlook more balanced. What I'm saying is that inner peace just becomes part of your life.

But it takes a commitment to ourselves. We have to want to do it for ourselves. And we have to put ourselves in the best position to maintain that investment in ourselves. Sadly, most people don't bother until their situation and mental health is already at a crisis point. Don't wait. Be pro-active. You deserve inner peace, serenity and innate well-being today. It's your inherent right. That's why inner peace is in each one of us, waiting silently to be discovered. When will you discover yours?

Thanks for reading, and as always, keep striving for growth and well-being, and never settle for less!

How I Can Help

I hope you found this blog post helpful and inspiring. If you have any questions or need further guidance, please don't hesitate to reach out. As someone who’s deeply passionate about well-being and personal growth and development, I offer services designed to help you cultivate a life you love. Whether through one-on-one sessions, workshops, or online resources, I’m here to support your journey towards becoming the best version of yourself.

Here’s to your well-being, personal growth and success!

Head over to the services section on my website for more information on how we can work together to achieve your goals. I work online and face to face on the Côte d’Azur, in France.